greenshot chrome
greenshot chrome

LatestWindowsreleaseversion:Greenshot-RELEASE-!Only$1.99tocoverourowncosts!In ...,WhatisGreenshot?·Quicklycreatescreenshotsofaselectedregion,windoworfullscreen;youcanevencapturecomplete(scro...

GreenShot 使用教學與下載輕巧好用的截圖軟體

2018年5月20日—《GreenShot》是套開源免費的截圖軟體,內建有著「區域截圖」、「全螢幕截圖」、「視窗截圖」以及「重覆上次截取」等四大功能。而且除了最基本的「把截圖 ...

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Latest Windows release version: Greenshot-RELEASE- 09 Aug 2017. Greenshot for Windows is free and open source! Only $1.99 to cover our own costs! In ...


What is Greenshot? · Quickly create screenshots of a selected region, window or fullscreen; you can even capture complete (scrolling) web pages from Internet ...

Greenshot Alternatives for Google Chrome

2023年11月15日 — Greenshot is not available for Google Chrome but there are plenty of alternatives with similar functionality. The best Google Chrome ...

GreenShot 使用教學與下載輕巧好用的截圖軟體

2018年5月20日 — 《GreenShot》是套開源免費的截圖軟體,內建有著「區域截圖」、「全螢幕截圖」、「視窗截圖」以及「重覆上次截取」等四大功能。而且除了最基本的「把截圖 ...

Greenshots Capture Window wants to captures the entire ...

2023年9月12日 — Window Capture doesn't work for Chrome or Windows Explorer, Green shoot captures the entire desktop monitor, ignores my other monitors though.


To reach the application, you can right click the Greenshot icon in the notification area or directly take a screenshot by pressing one of the defined keys.

Scrolling screenshot tool & screen capture

Scrolling Screenshot tool for screen capture and screen sharing. This is the simple and quick version of the renowned “Awesome Screenshot” extension.


捕捉完整網頁擷圖。擷取,編輯並儲存為PDF/JPEG/GIF/PNG/BMP ,上傳,列印,傳送至OneNote 、複製至剪貼簿或以電子郵件寄送。 FireShot的抓住了Chrome瀏覽器的網頁截圖 ...


LatestWindowsreleaseversion:Greenshot-RELEASE-!Only$1.99tocoverourowncosts!In ...,WhatisGreenshot?·Quicklycreatescreenshotsofaselectedregion,windoworfullscreen;youcanevencapturecomplete(scrolling)webpagesfromInternet ...,2023年11月15日—GreenshotisnotavailableforGoogleChromebutthereareplentyofalternativeswithsimilarfunctionality.ThebestGoo...